I Want Peace

Sometimes I run across a new posting that catches my eye enough to explore it further and then share it here. This one from Sister, I am with you  had me at  “..I also want Mexican food, but you know….” It takes a decent sense of humor to survive through this strange ‘living-experience’ thing thatContinue reading “I Want Peace”

Flushing the Old Energies

To me this seems to be a time of revisiting and then releasing the old memories and energies associated with those memories. Could be due in part to the lunar and solar eclipses energetically affecting everyone right now, or it might be just the dimensional time-shifting in general occurring behind the scenes as I’ve mentionedContinue reading “Flushing the Old Energies”

Memory As Such

If I could only remember everything I’ve read throughout my life, what wisdom I could spout now. Unfortunately my memory spits and sputters like an asthmatic lawnmower engine proving it has just enough spark to announce important potential to the situation at hand, but not enough cranking power to keep the entire thought moving forwardContinue reading “Memory As Such”

Sense the Tender Soul

“To sense joy in the purest form is to sense the tender soul, for a wealth of abundance lies in your deep, calling you to come and claim it. There the river of fragrance flows through you, Drinking from the cup of silence you enter the kingdom of light….” ….’Song of Eternity’…Excerpt   Jayita Bhattacharjee InspirationContinue reading “Sense the Tender Soul”

Acknowledging Ourselves

We exist. We ARE. We live and die, and somewhere in-between the two, we learn. WHAT we learn depends on so many factors such as our living environments, our support teams on earth and beyond who protect us and nurture our growth, and that soul spark within us that drives us forward toward some unseenContinue reading “Acknowledging Ourselves”

Wishing You Peace

This is the time of year when we gather with family and friends for good food, fellowship, and joy. At least that’s the intention of the year-end holiday season, but not everyone is so blessed right now. And while I do wish everyone an abundance of food, love, peace and joviality, I also know thatContinue reading “Wishing You Peace”

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