Expectations and Disappointments

Hey, don’t we all have certain expectations on all aspects of our lives, and then feel the subsequent disappointments that naturally accompany those unmet expectations whether they were realistic or not? Maybe we expected our lives to turn out as some fantasized version of happiness and prosperity, but it just didn’t happen for us. OrContinue reading “Expectations and Disappointments”

The Mysteries

Sounds like an exploration of the ancient Greek mystery cults which were of great interest to me earlier in life, but instead what I’m referring to now are fiction crime novels written by skilled wordsmiths. There are many authors in that CRIME MYSTERY genre and darn few that are truly gifted at writing. And IContinue reading “The Mysteries”


“…In religious experience transcendence is a state of being that has overcome the limitations of physical existence and by some definitions has also become independent of it. This is typically manifested in prayer, séance, meditation, psychedelics and paranormal ‘visions’….” (Wiki) *** When we are born into this world many say that we are born asContinue reading “Transcendence”

Responding to an ‘Initiation’ Crisis

“You never know what you are made of until you must face your greatest fears head-on.”  *** Different modalities or belief systems often talk about “initiations” as being the point where a young person is suddenly confronted by the sometimes cruel or grueling complexity of life itself. Many ‘coming of age’ stories talk about anContinue reading “Responding to an ‘Initiation’ Crisis”

Enlightenment on a Stick

Hey it is county and state FAIR season where dusty fairground aisles, so over-crowded with multi-food vendors, are hawking everything edible skewered on wooden sticks (and likely deep-fried to boot) for your epicurean exploration. And since I won’t be attending that precarious gastronomic adventure this year, I notice it has generously come to me insteadContinue reading “Enlightenment on a Stick”


The new literacy?  Maybe in a ‘retraining for a new vocation’ sense, but to ‘learn, unlearn, and relearn’ are actually personal survival skills developed over the years as one faces every new dawn while striving to see the sun peacefully setting at that same day’s end. We all know that life is tough for thoseContinue reading “Relearning”

When the Music Died

“American Pie,” Don McLean’s song of ‘innocence lost,’ covers an insane decade of ‘coming of age’ in the 1960’s and early 70’s. It was a catchy dirge about busted illusions and the harshness of life beyond its normal performance stage. Shocked with the deaths of Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and The Big Bopper in oneContinue reading “When the Music Died”

Defining the Self

The previous post was on the “SELF as Master,” meaning that in this context the SELF here was referring to the God-force SELF—the ALLness—the Everything. But even the ‘ego-self’ that most of us struggle to control, is a bit more diverse than saying it means ‘pure ego’ which also has its own range of implications.Continue reading “Defining the Self”


Hey, who doesn’t have secrets? There are secrets that we keep from others—even secrets we keep from ourselves about our own lives. You can claim to not keep ANY secrets from others (or even from your conscious self), but I’m pretty sure you have something deeply stashed somewhere that you aren’t comfortable sharing or evenContinue reading “Secrets”

Living In an Inverse World

As the graphic above describes: Welcome to the inverse logic of an inverse world that we all currently inhabit. What I’ve noticed lately, amidst all the daily acrimony and carnage, is that if there is one thing that this chaotic time is offering to us, it is a much closer examination of our most unquestionedContinue reading “Living In an Inverse World”

Believing What We Want to Believe

“Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes that see reality” ~ Nikos Kazantzakis      Earthschool Harmony *** Reality is often a reflection of our inner beliefs about the world around us: Beliefs about ourselves—like WHO we are, WHY we are here—beliefs about our perceived tasks in the world—including our own sense of purposeContinue reading “Believing What We Want to Believe”

Irrational Logic

Perhaps the world makes sense in some perverse way. Or perhaps it doesn’t. But most of us believe that it MUST make some type of sense for us to continue to live comfortably within it. Because if the world made NO sense, then wouldn’t that make us as senseless and purposeless as the world aroundContinue reading “Irrational Logic”

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