I Believe…

Anytime I elaborate on the subject of “beliefs” I know that I run the risk of offending others, but I truly think we all need to better examine WHY we believe what we do at this point in our lives. I myself was born and raised in the Heartland of America—Baptized Lutheran as a babyContinue reading “I Believe…”

The Quest for Meaning

As a voracious reader, when the library that I frequent had shut down for the second time due to local Covid 19 outbreaks, it forced me to review some oldies on my own book shelves.  My previous posts on self-realization etc., reminded me that one of my earliest experiences with that subject had to beContinue reading “The Quest for Meaning”

The Perplexing State of Education Today

One might think that this current pandemic is creating a crisis in education institutions around the world, but I personally think it offers a unique opportunity for all of us to redefine ‘teaching and learning experiences’ for educators, students, and parents. Probably the most soul-numbing career I have ever experienced was teaching Technical Writing toContinue reading “The Perplexing State of Education Today”

“It Is Not the Answer…”

“It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” ~ Eugene Ionescowww.earthschoolharmony.com For me personally and for ALL of us world-wide, this 2020 year is BEYOND strange. I’ve certainly had a bunch of questions over many aspects of our shared experience, but I know that there aren’t believable answers for them, so I justContinue reading ““It Is Not the Answer…””


“True initiation is a response to an inner calling; it requires that you face personal challenges heroically, and to experience a genuine rebirth into a new way of being.”  Alberto Villoldo, PhD Ask any screaming newborn just forcefully squeezed out of its mother’s womb like toothpaste from a crumpled tube, how pleasant birthing can be.Continue reading “REBIRTH”

The Pains of Initiation

So far I’m not sure how to frame this year 2020—to attempt to put it into some comprehensible context for proper assessment. I mean what perspective can you use to wrap your arms around something this immensely prickly and caustic? Assessing 2020 is like hugging a 30-foot tall saguaro cactus and hoping that you don’tContinue reading “The Pains of Initiation”

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