The Intelligent Ocean of Consciousness

“The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God.”   – Euclid

Nassim Haramein


Pretty sure I’m referring to Akasha again but in a different way here.

This illusive concept is hard to get your head around: that this ocean of space and seeming non-substance in which we exist is itself alive, just as the Earth herself is alive and conscious of all thoughts and activities of those existing upon her surface or those dependent upon her atmospheres and climates; and furthermore, that we (Akasha, Earth, all living creatures) are all interconnected with each other through frequencies and unseen matrices and meridians of energy, meaning that what affects one aspect of the interconnected entirety affects ALL other participants to some degree because we are intimately linked and intentionally bound together as a total package.

An even harder concept to consider is that everything within this ocean of consciousness is intentionally ‘designed’/created using some specialty programming that is so advanced we can only catch fleeting, behind-the-scenes ‘whiffs’ that it even exists because it is nearly beyond our limited comprehension levels to fathom it.

So while I’m contemplating that engineered ‘Divine Intention’ possibility and reaching for a good analogy to better explain it, I ran across this quote:

“Atheism cannot hold water until it acknowledges that physics has arrived at a new set of suppositions.

Chief among them is that the pre-created state is outside spacetime, and whatever is happening there, is acausal. The logic here is that whatever the pre-created state might be (superstrings, multiverse, dark matter and energy), it doesn’t obey the rules of cause-and-effect, and it exists outside the physical universe.

Therefore, the old-fashioned bedrock of atheism, which makes ‘science’ the enemy of religion (or more crudely, ‘reason’ as the enemy of superstition) has collapsed.“ —  Deepak Chopra 



Published by Rebecca A. Holdorf

Rebecca A. Holdorf has a Masters in English, and is a certified hypnotist specializing in Past-Life Exploration and Spirit World Exploration. She is also a Usui and Karuna REIKI Master Teacher presently located near Davenport, Iowa. Author of five books, she also conducts workshops and training in Self-empowerment, True-self Actualization and REIKI. Her company is Foundations of Light, LLC, web address is . Contact her at .

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